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General Finishes Clear Poly

  • Sale
  • $ 119.45

  • Do not apply clear topcoats over bright white paint, as yellowing may occur due to a reaction to the substrate. Light color paints may also experience yellowing due to topcoat application, but it will less noticeable
  • Spray on application only - recommended Accuspray HVLP atomizing sets: .043 -.051 tip and nozzle
  • No. 9 -10 air cap
  • Water White in can (dries clear)
  • If a faster build is desired over raw wood, use General Finishes Sanding Sealer for the first coat, followed by 2 coats of Enduro Clear Poly Topcoat.

Enduro Clear Poly Topcoat is a self crosslinking polyurethane that dries water white. Clear Poly can be used on any project where more solids (28%) and durability are desired.