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Waterlox Original Satin Finish

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  • $ 134.95

  • Penetrates and waterproofs when used as a finishing system in conjunction with Waterlox Original Sealer/Finish
  • Forms a protective yet elastic finish against common household spills, moisture and foot traffic
  • Formulated as a traditional interior penetrating Tung oil finish
  • Like all of our Tung oil finishes, 90% of the resin portion of the formula is from renewable, natural resources
  • Produces a satin sheen appearance (20°-25° gloss level)

Use as a finish coat to achieve a satin finish on all interior wood projects including floors, windows, doors, cabinetry, woodwork, tables, furniture, bar tops, picture frames, gun stocks and various woodworking projects. Non-toxic when dry/fully cured. Use as a finish coat over base coats of Waterlox Original Sealer/Finish. Coverage/thinning. One gallon covers 500 square feet per coat. One quart covers 125 square feet per coat. No thinning necessary. Dry time minimum of 24 hours between coats. Poor ventilation, high humidity or cool temperatures may increase dry times.