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Forrest CM12806115G Chopmaster 12-Inch 80 Tooth 4 PTS + 1 Flat 1/8-Inch Kerf Saw Blade with 1-Inch Arbor

  • Sale
  • $ 212.31

  • Forrest CM12806115G Chopmaster - Diameter (D) = 12-Inch, Teeth (T) = 80, Kerf (K) = 1/8-Inch, Arbor (A) = 1-Inch, Tooth Style = 4 PTS + 1 Flat
  • These top quality chop, miter and radial arm saw blades produce tight, perfectly cut miter joints with no bottom splinters
  • Forrest Chopmaster blades work with all makes of chop, miter and radial arm saws
  • Made with double-hard C-4 Submicron Carbide for up to 300% longer life
  • A heavier than normal steel plate maintains maximum stability for the best cut

Made with double-hard C-4 Submicron Carbide for up to 300% longer life. A heavier than normal steel plate maintains maximum stability for the best cut. A 5 degree negative face hook also adds to optimum rigidity when cutting. Each blade is hand-straightened to a runout of .001/.002 for maximum cut quality. The tooth style selected (4 points and flat) maximizes steady, clean cuts with no bottom splintering. Grabbing and throwing of scrap cut-offs has been minimized by our design. You will be surprised by the extra-smooth, tight miter cuts you will get with this blade.